Reporting Overview

Many different types of reports can be pulled in iER. You can pull Global reports that will cover all events across every tenant in iER. You can also pull Tenant level and Event level reports. These will only apply to the particular event that you are in. 

Collecting reports in iER is a very simple process. Locate your event by searching for a title (or a word in the title). Click on the Event title to access the Event Summary. 

Registrant Report

To pull a Registration report for an event, click on the Registrants tab on the left hand side of your screen. Then under Actions on the right, click Export Current Registrants. Click Export All Registrants if you would like to pull the report for Current Registrants in addition to those who have unregistered. Add a Registrant allows you to fill out the registration information for a single attendee.


Upload Registrants allows you to import a list of predetermined registrants into your event. The file must be in CSV format and the columns must match the field names defined for the event.

Attendance Report

To pull the Attendance report, click on the Attendees tab on the left hand side of your screen. Click Export Attendees under Actions on the right to pull the Attendance report. You may also click Upload Attendance to import a batch of attendees who have already attended.

Tenant Reports

To pull Tenant-level reports, start by clicking on the Admin icon at the top of your screen. Then select Reports from the menu.

Once you are at the Reports page, you can use the Calendar to select date ranges, or you can click on the appropriate preset Report Range. Keep in mind that these reports will give information for all events within the Tenant site. 

Event Summary gives you a summary of all events that are scheduled in the Tenant account. Registrant Summary gives you registration information for all registrants in the account. Finally, Attendee Summary gives you information on which registrants actually attended the event.

Event Level Notification History

To view event level Notification History, click on the Notifications tab on the left. The Transactional Notifications window will show you if an email has been sent successfully or whether it “bounced” (failed to send).

To export a report for each email type, click on the individual email Type and then select Export Email Report. Note that this feature is only available after emails have been sent or bounced.

Individual Registrant Info

To lookup registration information for a single registrant, start by clicking on the Event icon at the top of the Tenant site. Locate your event by searching for the event title or a word in the title. Select your event by clicking on it. 

If you would like to view individual registrants info history, from the Event go to either the Registrants or Attendee tabs on the left and click the registrant's name in blue. From the tabs on the left you can either look at the Registrant Details or you can look at Emails. The Registrant Details tab includes all of the information collected about the registrant including name, email, registration fields, and metadata (IP address).

The Emails tab contains the individual registrant’s notification history. That is to say, any emails that have been sent to the individual registrant are collected here.